Product Catalogue

The basic output for your sales outlets

The basic output of the CMC Platform for your sales outlets is the online product catalogue

You centrally manage the available content in all product catalogues in the Channel Control System, and (automatic) content updates are instantly pushed to all catalogues. Thanks to you, your dealers can always count on up-to-date, rich product information on their websites, available 24/7 for their customers.

Each dealer gets access to a personal portal where they can activate brands available in their shop and make selections from your product range at (sub)category level. The CMC Platform ensures the published marketing information is automatically limited to the brands and categories selected.

Easy to set up through our online portal in just 3 clicks, your dealers can choose to place your fully featured product catalogue on their existing website as a button with a popup window or integrated in an existing page. You decide on their available options for customization, from catalogue design to the individual selection of brands/product categories.


Providing high quality and up-to-date product information is an essential first step. However, in order to truly reap the benefits of their online identity, dealers should be able to have visitors order the selected product(s) instantly.

This add-on instantly turns your product catalogue into an eCommerce solution, complete with customizable pricing, shopping cart functionality and a full check-out procedure including shipping and payment options. The order process can for example include product reservations for in-store pickup and payment, online payment and in-store pickup, or even online payment and drop shipments in your dealer’s name.

Sales outlets can manage their online business using their individual portal of the CMC Platform. They potentially can adjust pricing, either in bulk on the category or brand levels or on a product level. The order management functionality enables them to conveniently handle online orders and relay orders for out-of-stock or longtail products to you for shipment, either to the sales outlet for in-store pickup or to the customer directly. It’s a great way to further facilitate your dealers and sell even your longtail products online at the same time!
This option of expanding the basic product catalogue, which is designed for integration on an existing website, to a turnkey website is selected for different reasons. For example, franchise organizations often choose to offer a uniform look-and-feel for the central website and all local franchisers and their product catalogues alike.

The corporate image and communication standard is guaranteed and centrally managed though the Channel Control System, while local customization by the entrepreneurs is also possible to a certain extend. Adding Website Embed can also be advisable when sales outlets don’t have a (quality) website available to present the product catalogue.
Offer your sales outlets a complete and customizable eCommerce solution. All product and marketing content from the CMC Platform is available and kept up-to-date on daily basis. Depending on your collaboration with the sales outlet, the look-and-feel and design can be selected either centrally or locally.

The full webshop option offers more extensive customization options to individual sales outlets, such as adding local pages, a personalized homepage, shop information, news items and links to social media.
The Channel Control System (CCS) can be optionally connected to a range of existing internal systems to import or export information.

For example, it’s possible to link to an existing ERP solution to show (local) stock information in the product catalogues. Another example is connecting the CCS to an existing eCommerce setup, like Magento or Drupal, in order to publish the available content through those channels as well.